01 Apr

Carlos Augusto da Silveira Lobo

Founding partner of Lobo & Ibeas, currently Lobo & Lira.
Acted as chairman, co-arbitrator, parties’ attorney and legal expert in Brazilian law in domestic and international arbitrations under the rules of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), of the American Arbitration Association, of the Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada, of the Market Arbitration Chamber (CAM-BOVESPA), of the FIERJ-ACRJ-FENASEG Mediation and Arbitration Chamber, of the FIESP-CIESP Mediation and Arbitration Chamber, and of the FGV Arbitration and Mediation Chamber, having acted in several domestic and international arbitrations.
Postgraduate degree in industrial relations from the University of Connecticut, USA.
Public Attorney of the State of Rio de Janeiro.
Author of the books “As Demonstrações Financeiras das Sociedades Anônimas” [“Financial Statements of Corporations”], Renovar publishers, Rio de Janeiro, 2001, and “Advocacia de Empresas” [“Company Law Practice”], Renovar publishers, Rio de Janeiro, 2012, and of several articles on corporate law, civil law, administrative law and arbitration, published in Brazil in the following publications: Revista Forense, Revista dos Tribunais, Revista de Direito Bancário, Revista de Arbitragem e Mediação, Revista de Direito da Procuradoria Geral-RJ, Revista de Direito Renovar, Revista de Direito Mercantil and Revista Trimestral de Direito Civil.
